What is ADHD ?

ADHD, or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder is a mental health condition that affects both behavioral and cognitive functions.

From a behavioral standpoint, ADHD can result in symptoms like fidgeting, hyperactivity, irritability and impulsivity.

On the more cognitive side, that can mean feeling absent minded or distracted. Maybe it translates into difficulty focusing or paying attention.

How Does ADHD in Adult?

The prevalence of ADHD varies based on factors such as age and gender, but it's estimated to affect between 1% and 5% of the adult population. Adults with ADHD often struggle with focus, prioritization, and time management.

Diagnosis of ADHD?

On Mindful, You can schedule a Meeting with a Specialist for an ADHD diagnosis. During this appointment, the provider will conduct a comprehensive assessment, inquiring about your symptoms and concerns.


To ensure an accurate diagnosis, the provider may request additional information from individuals who know you well, such as friends or family members. This collaborative approach helps us gain a more complete understanding of your condition.


Before making a diagnosis, we will carefully review your medical history to rule out any other conditions that may be causing similar symptoms.


With Mindful, you can conveniently complete the entire diagnostic process online and receive a personalized treatment plan from the comfort of your home.

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